The Titanomachy is the Greek Mythology conflict who opposed the Titans to the new gods, the Olympian. This conflict signs the end of Cronos reign and the beginning of the one of his son, Zeus.

The Titanomachy's trigger

Cronos, father of Zeus, was scared to be dethroned by one of his child, so he decided to eat each one of them straight after his wife Rhea gave birth to them.

When Rhea gave birth to her last child, Zeus, she fooled Cronos giving him a rock to swallow instead of her last born child. Then, she hid her son in Crete until he reached his adulthood.

With the help of his first wife, the nymph Metis, Zeus cause Cronos to vomit the children previously swallowed. His siblings now free, Zeus led the rebellion against the Titans, the Titanomachy.